
Black Seed Oil: 6 Surprising Benefits

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Black Seed Oil: What it Can Do for Your Skin, Weight, and More

Black seed oil has been used for thousands of years, but it’s only recently started to become widely known in the United States. Part of the increase in popularity has been driven by a growing body of research on black seed oil benefits. 

Researchers have studied black seed oil for everything from skin health to weight management, with some even calling it a “miracle herb.” 

Let’s break down the research on black seed oil benefits to find out if it really lives up to the hype.

What is black seed oil? 

Black seed oil is made from the seeds of a flowering plant called Nigella sativa (N. sativa). It’s sometimes called black caraway oil or black cumin seed oil, although black seed is different from those two spices. Caraway seeds come from the Carum carvi plant and cumin seeds come from the Cuminum cyminum plant. Both caraway and cumin seeds are often ground into a powder to be used as a cooking spice.

The N. sativa plant is native to Asia and Mediterranean regions and has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Black seed is referenced in a variety of religious texts and was even found buried with an Egyptian Pharaoh.

The main active ingredient in black seed is a phytochemical called thymoquinone. Phytochemicals are compounds in plants with health benefits. Most of the benefits of black seed can be attributed to thymoquinone. However, other compounds in black seed may also have antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants play an important role in protecting the body from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells when too many are present in the body.

What are the different types of black seed oil? 

Black seed may be eaten whole or ground, or used as a spice in foods. Black seed is also converted into an oil or a powder. The oil that is extracted from black seed can be taken as a dietary supplement in liquid or capsule form. Black seed oil and topical ingredients made from black seed oil are also added to creams or gels to be applied to the skin.

What are the benefits of black seed oil? (And the science behind them) 

Black seed has been studied for a variety of uses. These include heart health, antioxidant benefits, and healthy blood sugar support. It has also been looked at for skin health, fertility support, and many other uses. However, a review of the clinical trials on black seed and thymoquinone states that more research is needed to support some of the potential health benefits.

Let’s take a look at many of the reported benefits of black seed oil and see if the research supports them.

1. Weight management benefits 

Research yields conflicting results on the effects of black seed oil for weight management.

One review concluded that black seed led to a “moderate” reduction in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference. But significant differences existed between the studies. Ultimately, additional research is needed to understand the impact of black seed on weight. 

Another study looked at the impact of black seed oil on appetite, weight, and body composition. This study observed that black seed oil led to a decrease in BMI and appetite.

One randomized controlled trial  (the gold standard for research) evaluated the impact of black seed oil and a low-calorie diet on body weight and heart health. The group taking  black seed oil lost more weight and had a significant decrease in waist circumference compared to the control group. Note the control group still ate a low calorie diet, but did not take the black seed oil. Researchers also observed a significant improvement in triglycerides and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) in participants taking black seed oil. Elevated triglyceride and VLDL levels are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. 

However, it’s still important to keep in mind that you can’t replace diet and lifestyle with supplements to support a healthy body weight. A holistic approach to health should include a healthy diet, exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, and hydration.

Click here to book a session with a dietitian for weight management!

2. Benefits for acne

Black seed may help with acne. One clinical trial found that a topical “hydrogel”  applied to the skin reduced acne symptoms. helpful in. Note that this was a specially made gel and the findings do not mean that applying black seed oil directly to the skin will have the same benefits. 

These findings have also led some people to wonder if taking black seed oil as a supplement can help with acne, but the research isn’t there yet. 

3. Skin health benefits 

Researchers have also looked at black seed for other skin health benefits. They found potential  skin benefits when used as a dietary supplement and as a topical product applied to the skin. 

Black seed has been used to make creams for different skin concerns such as vitiligo and eczema. While these products may be helpful, you should always talk to a dermatologist about any skin concerns you have.

4. Heart health benefits 

Black seed oil’s antioxidant properties contribute to its heart-healthy benefits

One study in healthy volunteers found that black seed oil may help support healthy blood pressure levels.

According to one review, black seed oil may help support healthy cholesterol levels. Black seed oil has a larger impact on heart health than other forms of black seed, namely black seed powder.

Other ways to support heart health include a healthy diet and exercise. Before starting black seed oil for heart health, consider working with a registered dietitian on a heart healthy nutrition plan.

H3: 5. Blood sugar benefits 

Keeping blood sugar levels in a normal range helps support the health of your heart, brain, and overall body.

Some research indicates that black seed improves blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c (A1c). Hemoglobin A1c is used to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes.

More research is needed to fully understand the impact of black seed on blood sugar levels. Black seed should not be the first line of treatment for elevated blood sugar levels. 

Working with a registered dietitian to create a personalized eating plan can be helpful for those with elevated blood sugar or diabetes.

6. Fertility benefits 

Antioxidants are known to benefit sperm motility and concentration. Black seed may influence fertility because of its antioxidant properties. 

One study found that black seed oil supports semen quality. Another review concluded that black seed positively influences sperm parameters, such as motility and concentration. Moreover, black seed may benefit reproductive organs and sex hormones. 

Additional studies are needed to fully understand black seed’s fertility benefits. Getting antioxidants through a healthy diet may be a beneficial place to start for male fertility.

Other black seed oil FAQs:

What dosage of black seed oil should I take? 

There’s no consensus on what dosage of black seed oil you should take. Studies evaluating the black seed’s health benefits use a variety of dosages. Consult a healthcare provider before starting black seed oil to determine a safe and appropriate dosage for you. 

Does black seed oil have any side effects? 

Most of the research studies noted that black seed has “minimal side effects.” However, 

children and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should exercise caution when taking black seed oil supplements.

It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any dietary supplement, including black seed oil.

How Season can help you meet your skin, weight management, and other health goals 

While black seed may not be a “miracle herb,” it may potentially support blood sugar control, weight, and heart health. Other black seed oil benefits, such as skin health support and fertility are exciting, but need more research.

Here at Season, we take a “food first” approach to health. Optimize your nutrition before reaching for a supplement to support blood sugar or heart health. A Season dietitian can help create a plan just for you! Click here to get started.